Dà mheòrachadh cumhachd - Two power meditation.

In our modern day society we hustle and bustle back and forth at an incredible rate. We are constantly working and moving and paying this bill and returning that phone call. During all this time we are just not connecting to the world around us. We are ignoring the signs we are seeing and just allowing life to flash before our eyes. This leads to a variety of issues inside our selves and issues we spread around us. From depression, to anxiety, to a wide variety of other symptoms we may show. These can be caused by an unbalance in our selves.

Mediation for us Druids is an attempt to settle, ground our selves and allow our souls to once again reconnect with nature and the world around us. It is an opportunity for us to just stop and take a moment and focus. It allows us a moment to solitude in our own heads and bodies before we move onto the work before us. It allows us to create a deeper connect with the nature spirits. It allows us to speak to our ancestors in a more meaningful way and it allows the shining ones to see what devotion we have to their cause more clearly.

The Two power meditation allows us to do just that. The simplicity of the meditation allows us to connect to the deep earth and allows the earths roots to creep into us and through us to the sky above, all the while allowing the air surrounding us to hold us close and connect with the earth below. These two powers that we surround us allow us to recharge our body and soul. They are conduits we can harness to find balance in our selves and that allows us to spread balance amongst out community.

To me that connection can be strong or it can be weak. It depends on a lot of factors that surround me at any given time. I don’t feel I was even connected when it came to meditation. I often felt I was too easily distracted within my own head or distracted by the environment around me. I have tried to meditate on and off over the years and just never felt a connection. I have always felt connected to the earth and I respect the sky and all it contains but on a level of meditation it was just not something I could feel or tap into.

A few years ago while at a festival in southern Nova Scotia, perhaps the planets where aligned in the right pattern or the animals stopped watching along enough but I felt at ease. I felt connected in both the sky and the earth and I felt the balance flow through me. Ever since then I feel I have gained enough respect and atonement to connect many times since during ritual and outside of our workings. I have gained a deep respect for the power of meditation since. It has allowed me to connect deeper than ever before. Of course the factors spoken of earlier still have a great effect. I have a very difficult time meditating inside. I almost need to feel the ground below m feel and I need to feel the breeze in my hair. I can still mediate inside but the connection isn’t as strong and I have learned to just expect this.