Canada East Druid Meeting June 2016
Just back from a wet yet wonderful time at Raven’s Knoll where I got to attend the meeting of the Canada East Druid Leadership, hosted by our Regional Druid, Erin. For the first time in our grove history, we got to make our report in person, which was wonderful, but even more wonderful was a chance to meet our Arch Druid, Drum (pictured below). While I did not get a lot of time to sit and chat with him, my impression was of a dedicated man who has the best interest of the ADF and it’s Canadian druids at heart. He did mention in his welcome words that he hopes to be able to visit each of the Canadian groves before his tenure is complete, a goal I certainly hope he accomplishes. Also mentioned was the fact that ADF is going through some changes in the next few years. It is his hopes that Canada can help to test out many of the changes for the ADF, before they become mainstream. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for Canada to play a role in shaping the future of the ADF in some way.
Other than that I presented our current projects, outreach, grove membership information, and future plans. From listening to the other reports, I can say that Nova Scotia is strong and vibrant in the Canadian druid scene.
It was also my pleasure to finally meet our former Regional Druid, Lisa, face-to-face for the first time. She received her Ordination the day before the meeting. While not the first Canadian to do so (as she pointed out), she is the only currently standing ADF priest/ess. Well done, Lisa! We look forward to following in your footsteps.
Again, I would like to thank Erin for inviting me to the meeting and allowing me to represent our grove, and thanks to the other leaders of ADF groves in attendance. It is my hope that I can attend the whole event in the future.
Peace and Love,