The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids originally formed in 2002. Three, at that time solitary, druids looking for more met at an annual pagan festival and decided the time to act had come. For the first few years, people came and went, but the three held fast to the belief that the Grove would survive. They compiled what they felt were the core ideals and requirements for this budding undertaking, and those became the roots of our organization. Later we became part of the ADF network, and have since enjoyed the hospitality, leadership, and educational aspects of that relationship.
In 2004, we performed our first ever public ritual at the pagan festival, with 227 attendees. Since then we have strived to ensure that we maintain a connection to our roots, while stepping eagerly but cautiously into the future. We aim to allow the community at large to experience our methods of worship and practice in a welcoming and interactive manner.
Today, 17 years later, we are still a small Grove that prizes a family-knit structure and cooperation. We have been guests on local pagan radio shows, held Druid 101 information sessions at local book stores, and offered coffee chats which are open to the public.
What We've Achieved
Honouring our Gods through work in this realm
ADF requires some type of community service once per quarter from all its Groves. As one of seven Fully Chartered Groves in ADF, we take this requirement very seriously, and have committed to going beyond what is required of us.
From ADF’s Council of Senior Druids bylaws:
Article V.3.B.F: Fully Chartered Groves must perform, at a minimum, some type of community service activity once per quarter. Of course, we shouldn’t do this just because ADF requires us, and in an effort to increase our connection to our community, our Gods and each other, we seek to do more than is required every quarter. Making the world a better place is not something that can only be done through magic and ritual: it is something we need to try to do every day in our personal lives.
Here are some of our major service initiatives:
Received Government Non Profit Status
Participated 4 years in Halifax Interfaith week as a Ritual holder as well as presenters
Yearly donations to Feed Nova Scotia
Worked closely with the Nova Scotia Health Authority to implement Pagan pastoral services in Hospitals.
Mission Statement
The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids (GNSD) is a Pagan group based on ancient Indo-European traditions dedicated to spiritual growth in accordance with the Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF) values. Our vision is that the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits are served in the modern world.
The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids values are key to fulfilling our mission:
Inclusion: building a community of support. A commitment to the well being of individuals, families and communities
Intellectual growth: scholarship and research
Respect: for all though living our virtues and incorporating integrity and fairness
Responsibility: Responding to society’s needs in a socially proactive manner
Ecological Respect: Honouring the Earth Mother
Commonality of ritual practice
Spirituality: connectivity and service to our community, the land, Gods, Goddesses and Spirits.
Through these values, the members of GNSD build their sense of responsibility to each other and the global community. The GNSD does not proselytize, knowledge will be received only by those who actively seek.