Self Isolation
Though I am still working as part of an essential service I know there are a lot of people stuck at home right now and I know that it can be really stressful for some people.
Because of my work, work schedule and general nature I love being home. I have lots of hobbies and I enjoy them all very much. I am just one of those people who “never get bored“. But I live with an extrovert! And I worry about the toll that social distancing and isolation will have on his mental well-being. We talk about it often and I think we have it under control but I thought this might be a good time to write a little blog about things that are definitely not canceled.
House cleaning and house cleaning rituals. This is a great time if you are feeling well enough, to give your house a great big clean. Start from top to bottom and make sure that you focus on what you’re doing and do it with intent. If it is warm enough, open up your windows and let the fresh air in.
If you are feeling a little isolated from your spiritual community, connect with some online rituals. Even if you have to host one yourself, I am sure that there are those out there who will greatly appreciate it. There is no sense in giving up your spiritual connectivity for the sake of social distancing. There are other ways to make it work.
If you are not in the mood to perform a ritual, perhaps consider sharing some of your practices online. This can be a great way to connect and gain inspiration.
Being forced to “stay in“ is a great time to brush up on some studies. For example, members of the ADF have what is called the Dedicate Program. There are many similar programs to this and it’s a great use of time if you are looking to expand your knowledge.
Maybe it’s not warm enough to get outside but you can certainly tend to your house plants. Connect with the plants as a means of connecting to nature and find peace.
Compost maintenance! If it’s not frozen, try to give that sucker a turn. You will thank yourself when the gardening season rolls around.
This is a great time for extra self-care and meditation. A little TLC goes a long way.
Start a diary. This one may seem a little too obvious but someday we will want to look back on these experiences and you may not remember everything that went on. Daily diaries also have therapeutic value and it is important to take care of your mental well-being while in isolation even if you enjoy being alone.
This is a great time to connect with your food. I am sure we have all heard of the Kitchen Witch. working in the kitchen can be a great way to connect with yourself spiritually if it is something that you enjoy. It is definitely a great way to connect with food. You might find yourself learning some new skills or new spell work. And hey, If you end up making a big meal or have a little extra consider spreading it around to others who may have fewer resources or abilities.
walks are not canceled! Get out in nature! You can practice safe social distancing with people outside very easily. Always keep hygiene in mind and consider carrying a bottle of sanitizer. But this is a great way to recharge.
Lastly, and this one is difficult for me too, sometimes we just have to wait.... this too shall pass and the more we keep calm and follow health authority guidelines the faster it will all pass.
Blessed be in this most trying of times. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Celebrating the Renewal of Life
“The birds return from the southern lands, bearing spring time beneath their wings. Nature has awoken, seeds are sprouting, tree buds are bursting, the earliest plants are starting to fight their way from the frozen earth, and the birds and animals are preparing to have their young.“
“Ostara is the time when we recognize the importance of planting, growing, and nurturing new ideas, projects, plans, and plants, while seeking to maintain balance in our lives.“
This past weekend, our grove hosted our Ostara ritual. It was a lovely, happy, sugar-fueled, chaotic gathering, with kiddos running around left, right, and center. It’s amazing how in a few short years, our family has grown to include so many adorable little people, each bearing their own unique personalities, wonders, and curiosities. (And also trouble-making capabilities. Let’s not forget that one.)
As a grove, we have come to deeply cherish these young lives, the energies and the laughter they bring into our circle, and our rituals and our traditions are evolving into these family-friendly, kid-inclusive events, where we get to delight in each others’ accomplishments, in baby’s first steps; where we get to marvel at ever-growing vocabularies and unexpected insights; where we get to share stories and experiences and rejoice in each other as friends, as family, as human beings just living this beautiful life.
“The Spring Equinox allows us to step from the dark into the light half of the year and gives us the first signs of spring in the land.[... It] is a time of creativity, growth, and the seeing of new beginnings.“
Let us celebrate this renewal of life.
Let us breathe in the scents of new blossoms, feel the warmth of a new sun, and hear the songs of the earth below and the skies above.
And, in the spirit of Ostara, let us clean our houses, paint some eggs, and eat some chocolates.
Happy Ostara, from us to you!
(All quotes are excerpts from the afternoon’s ritual.)