Update from ADF
Greetings to the grove organizers of ADF,
Due to the health concerns around COVID-19 (Coronavirus) we are suggesting that groves re-consider their plans for public rituals and act for the safety of all the folk. If your grove determines that it is unsafe to hold in-person public rituals, there will be no impact on your grove standing based on your decision. The MG trusts your judgment and supports your decision.
If you choose not to host in-person public rituals, we urge you to consider one of the following alternatives:
- Provide the script of the rite to the folks and have everyone perform the rite at home on same day as was planned and then have everyone compare notes and omens online.
- Perform your rites over Zoom. Free Zoom will give you 40 minutes of meetings, or you can request to use the ADF Zoom for longer sessions by emailing secretary@adf.org. The ADF Zoom is first-come, first-served.
- Virtual rites via the internet using Facebook, Discord, Slack, Skype, or other online interactive social media.
If you do host in-person public rituals, please remember the basic safety rules:
- Have Sanitizer on hand for folks to clean their hands
- Remind everyone to wash their hands if there are facilities available
- Do not share drinking vessels, utensils or eat off the same plates
- Avoid hugging if possible - elbow bumps, foot taps, or small bows are preferable
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a disposable napkin/tissue
- Try not to touch your face
And above all, please remember, if you feel sick, stay home.
May we all stay safe and healthy.
Kindreds Blessings
The Mother Grove and the Council of Senior Druid