Happy Yuletide!
Yule- the Winter Solstice. The Darkest time of the year. The season when traffic is the most crazy and the stress of trying to get everything done just makes everyone a little bit bonkers. However even though the darkness may outweigh daylight, this is also the time of year that the little lights shine the best and brightest in their contrast to that dark. The time of year that candles warm the heart and remind us that we have the power to create the light as our ancestors once did. The time of year when it’s most important to make time to visit with our kin and clan. To create space to share our light with one another, because together our candles burn just a little brighter.
Our Druid Grove managed to come out of the woodwork, tired as we all were… and rallied for cookie decorating, ritual and feasting day. Hugs and smiles were exchanged, excited to be in each other's presence once again. The little acorns all tried their hands at smearing the frosting and sprinkling the sprinkles on festive shaped shortbreads. Cookies were munched, drinks were imbibed, and fun was had by one and all.
We gathered around the Yule log and my husband Marc led the ritual. It was so nice to be together again, cosy by the altar, grounding out the stresses of life and sharing the hearth fire… the smell of burning herbs and beeswax filling the air. The oghams pulled were fortuitous. The first ogham pulled being Vine… fitting for the festive season and occasion, reaping the harvest of seeds sown long ago. The second being Birch… Rebirth of the sun anew, ready for the year ahead, reminding us of the natural cycles on which our traditions have been built. Fortuitous indeed.
The ritual wrapped up, and the feasting commenced. The traditional foods brought from our various hearths and homes mingled upon the festive table. Stories of heritage and history shared and recipes exchanged.
With our bellies full, and our souls a little lighter and brighter, we say our goodbyes, taking the light of the ritual candles to our respective hearths… blessed to have gathered again with our chosen tribe!
Yule 2016
“Back at the time of Samhain, the Green Man, old and tired and naked of leaf and vine, bundled himself against the impending long, cold, dark nights and welcomed a deep and well-deserved rest. While he settled to sleep, we cast into the universe our hopes, dreams, desires, and wishes for the new year, before we too pulled our blankets up and waited for the days to once again grow long.
The night of Yule, the Winter Solstice, brings with it the rising of a new sun and the rebirth of the Green Man. We have made it through the darkest time of the year, the longest night, and we rejoice. Through the burning of the Yule log, we invite the light back into our homes, and we celebrate the knowledge that with all endings come new beginnings.”
Last night, we were finally able to get together for the celebration of Yule. There was singing and laughing and the sharing of bowls of homemade chili and cornbread and too many butter-tarts.
And also cat cuddles. (Because sometimes stereotypes are real.)
As spoken in ritual,
“let us take a moment to reflect on the love and respect we share for ourselves, each other, and this family. Let us continue to be present in each others’ lives, and to support one another through whatever challenges we each may face. […] Let us laugh and share, and be grateful for this life and this day, this fire and this food, these precious young souls, our homes, our jobs, our abilities to breathe, to speak, to listen, and to love.”
Happy Yule from all of us here in the GNSD!
"Happy Yule"
From our Grove and family to you and yours, may we extend a very “Happy [belated] Yule“, “Merry Christmas“, “Happy Holidays“, and all the rest!
We are all oh so fortunate to find ourselves surrounded by amazing and inspiring people. On this day of celebration, we have feasted, exchanged gifts, laughed, and loved. To each other and to you we say thank you for being. May your days be eternally filled with love and warmth, and possibly an overload of cookies.