Uncategorized Karen Larter Uncategorized Karen Larter

Looking back...

Imbolc though not traditionally a time of reflection has prompted me to look back on the past few months at all our goings-on as a Grove. As we welcome the Spring and more sun we look forward to all the wonderful things to come but, lets not forget about what we have accomplished…
We’ve recently welcomed more members and are continuing to really flesh out a standard ritual for each of the high holidays. We are continuing to grow our presence in the community and will be taking part in a local Interfaith Event February 7th, 2015 to promote awareness and accessibility.

On the business side of things we have welcomed Brian Larter as Grove Organizer, Karen Larter as Scribe and Mike Van Den Hoke as Purse Warden all moving forward to really get things rolling.

With a little perseverance this momentum will keep and we will have more to offer the community

Bright Blessings to you all and have a great day!


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