Imbolc 2015 (Event)

Saturday night’s Imbolc event was a great success. The ritual was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the number of people positively flooding through the doors was fantastic!
Unfortunately, with all our focus being directed into set-up and participation in the ritual itself, none of us managed to capture any particularly share-worthy photos of the celebration. That being said, we did manage to get our hands on this one:

Imbolc 2015 - Altar

The Triskele Altar (Clootie Tree and well), photographed by a friend of Alba Nuadh and posted with permission.

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Uncategorized Karen Larter Uncategorized Karen Larter

Looking back...

Imbolc though not traditionally a time of reflection has prompted me to look back on the past few months at all our goings-on as a Grove. As we welcome the Spring and more sun we look forward to all the wonderful things to come but, lets not forget about what we have accomplished…
We’ve recently welcomed more members and are continuing to really flesh out a standard ritual for each of the high holidays. We are continuing to grow our presence in the community and will be taking part in a local Interfaith Event February 7th, 2015 to promote awareness and accessibility.

On the business side of things we have welcomed Brian Larter as Grove Organizer, Karen Larter as Scribe and Mike Van Den Hoke as Purse Warden all moving forward to really get things rolling.

With a little perseverance this momentum will keep and we will have more to offer the community

Bright Blessings to you all and have a great day!


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GNSD News Brian Larter GNSD News Brian Larter

Hail and Welcome!

You have just discovered the blog of the Grove of Nova Scotia Druids (hereby —probably— to be referred to simply as “the Grove” or “GNSD”). For factual and [hopefully] up-to-date information on who we are and what we stand for, click around the rest of the website or drop us a line, either through the “Contact Us” tab or by directly commenting on a post here.
In the meantime, let us tell you what this blog is —or perhaps “could be”— all about…

On this first step of our blogging journey, our direction remains somewhat ambiguous. In future posts, we may use this space to share our personal experiences, beliefs, and opinions, both as a group and as individuals of that group. We may use this space to present stories, legends, teachings. We may talk about virtues. We may highlight Paganism in the news. We may toss up pictures of past rituals. We may invite you to upcoming ones. Heck, we may just shoot ya a line here and there to let you know what we’ve been up to.

Either way, we are a fun-loving, passionate group of people who share a common belief, and we are ever looking forward to making new discoveries, growing as people, and sharing laughs. We invite you to join us.



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