Interfaith 2019 at the UU
As always, we were happy to partake in Interfaith week by attending the Imbolc ritual this weekend at the Unaversalist Unitarian Church.
What a fantastic and excited crowd. The intimacy of the space makes it a great venu for exploring new paths and sharing with fellow spiritualist.
We set set up our table and happily spoke with anyone who was interested in Druidry and ADF. Community outreach effort is one of my favourite things about our Grove. We were equipped with GNSD and ADF panflets as well as little educational Ogham to hand out.
Thank you to everyone who took part, we hope to see you all next year !
blessed be
Imbolc activities
Imbolc Activities to share with your friends and family
Make a Brigid doll:
Brigid dolls are often made of straw and, among other things is the patroness od bards, healing and all things craft-like. Her effigies are hung over doorways to bring about protection and inspiration for the arts. They can be decorated with small dresses and if you are lucky enough to have any greenery or flowers this time of year she can be adorned with those.
photo borrowed from Pinterest. hexenwissen
Feasts and Fire:
Of course, with the days getting longer this is a time to celebrate. Light a fire and have friends and family around for dinner. Choose homemade foods and throw a potluck with seasonal treats.
Spring cleaning:
My personal favourtie. Clean your home! This activity is usually undertaken before Imbolc Eve. Get rid of clutter and clean up with a focus on driving out any negative energy. Scrub all surfaces thoroughly and if you can bare the chill still in the air, open some windows and let the fresh air though the house. Making this practice into a preparation for your ritual can have rewarding results. Have the whole family join in and experience the benefits of a tidy and cleansed home.
Outdoor adventure:
Traditionally, Imbolc was a time to visit sacred waters. Go on a winter hike and find a lovely pond or stream, you can take a moment to meditate on its peaceful nature and bring back fertility to your dreams. If you are comfortable, make contact with the water to fully set your intention to cleanse and purify. You can also use this little venture to thank the local spirits (they must get lonely in the cold) and pick up and trash you might see along the way.
Imbolc blessings! The sun and goddess return!
Ritual Baths
With the recent passing of the Super Wolf Blood Moon I had asked some friends how they planned to celebrate (unashamedly looking for fun ideas myself) one, said she was going to have a ritual bath and meditate. This sounded like a great idea and since I'd had a bath without a toddler in it, it felt VERY magical indeed.
It made me start to contemplate the ritual of a cleansing bath.Of course the bath cleanses your body of dirt...we all know that but what more can it do for you?
The idea behind a Ritual Bath is very simple. The idea being that you use the bath to purify yourself outward and inward using water, herbs/oils and intent. Usually, this is preparation for ritual but not always, sometimes you just need a good emotional and spiritual scrubbing.
This practice isn't unique to Paganism. Many religions use bathing as a means of purification. In Judaism it is known as the Mikveh. In Buddhism, they use a tsukubai to purify your face and hands before practice. Wherever you are and whatever you call it, the idea being that you focus your energy and cleans your mind, body and soul. Use the time to reflect and mediate on removing negativity.
Doesn't this sound awesome? Wouldn't you like to know how to do it? I can help!
Firstly, set the mood. Find yourself a private space with some peace and quiet. The goal is to set yourself up for success and you want this bath to be not only cleansing but empowering. You may want to light some candles or enjoy some natural light. Consider lighting a scented candle or some incense to purify the air while you relax into your warm soak.
Draw your bath and while doing so, consider hanging a satchel of dried herbs on the faucet or carefully adding essential oils to the tub.
I recommend any of the following hers or oils to be used for cleansing:
Lemon Balm
I also like to add Epsom salts to help relieve lactic acid to further purify and relax my body and thereby my mind.
Finally, you may wish to add some music or nature sounds to complete the mood.
As you soak in your tub contemplate and visualize any negativity seeping form your body. This may take some time. You will need to unwind and then begin your practice. Focus on the warmth enveloping your body. Breath deeply and enjoy the natural oils you've added. Allow your mind to wander down a path of cleansing and healing. Relax your eyes, close them and tune in to your own personal rhythm, become aware of your body's needs; recognize tensions and slowly allow them to seep away. When you feel that all of the negativity and tension has left your body, refocus on how relieving and mentally / spiritually energizing this process has been. See your body as whole and pure and when you are ready, get out of the tub and retrieve the plug to let all the negative energy go away. You should leave your tub feeling grounded and connected to yourself.
I hope yo have enjoyed this post and that you all have wonderful baths planned.
Blessed Be,
Yule Ritual
We had a lovely Yule Ritual last weekend and I am happy to be getting this post up before the 21st.
We did ritual, exchanged gifts and enjoyed making hearth protection charms.
Using wooden spoons (a sign of the hearth and common protection symbol) we carefully wrapped them in ribbon while contemplating peace, love and protection along with a couple spare giggles. We said a simple blessing “ Lend us bright blessings on this Yuletide fare, give us love and peace in equal share. With Yuletide warmth our hearths be blessed that lifts the heart of Kin and Guest”. We all took our spoons home and hung them in an appropriate place in the kitchen.
Blessed Yule everyone!
Samhain Activities
Samhain quickly approaches and among all the candies and costumes it can be easy to forget the purpose of this day — Honouring our Ancestors.
It is believed that at this time of year the veil between this life and the otherworld is at its thinnest and it is therefore easy to connect with the dead. This can take many forms but if you are looking for ideas that may be more group or family friendly here is a good place to start.
Take a walk
I know I put this in every blog but… WALKING! Take a nature walk and discuss or contemplate the nature sloughing off its colourful garb. The flowers wilt and the trees have begun to drop their leaves. The ground is cold and things are rapidly preparing for winter. Remember that this is a cycle and like the plants and creatures around you, life will return.
Host a feast
Invite family and friends around out of the cold and offer them some comfort with food and drinks. This is a great time to share stories of those who have passed. It can be reflective and morose or jovial. There is no obligation to take any one path and often one will lead to another. Celebrate those who came before us and honour them by keeping their stories and memories alive.
Review and share photos
Bring out the old photo albums and sit with friends and family to talk about “that time when…” it can be a great way to remember our ancestors. You may even become inspired to create a collage or scrapbooking page for your altar.
Create the change you want
This is also a good time of year to let go of things. If you have a bad habit, feeling or activity that you would like to let go of, there is no time like the present. If you want to bring it into ritual or even just make the letting-go seem more tangible you can write it on paper and burn it or you can collect all the items that bring you to that action and discard (or donate) them.
Dance and Sing
Many people find that they feel a greater connection to their spirituality by moving or singing. Dig out some music that helps you connect and embrace what your body needs in that moment. This is extra fun to do with friends but I am a big fan of what I call “Solo Dance Parties”. This can also be a great way to shake off some of the impending winter blues and help you to remember that Death is a part of the cycle. It is just as important as Birth and embracing that is the reason for the season.
How ever you choose to celebrate please do it safely and take care of each other. Give thanks to the beautiful Autumnal world around you in whatever way feels best for you; your family/friends and your Groves. If you are alone, be mindful of your body (and mind’s) needs. If you are in a group, help those around you but never neglect yourself. This can be a trying time of year for some but remembering it is all part of the natural cycle will help to strengthen everyone.
Blessed be
Making your own incense
This week we looked at making our own incense as another means of being creative and further connecting with out grove members / values. We had a blast and we documented the whole thing for you so have a look.
Firstly you will need a few simple tools:
Blank Incense Sticks
Small Dish
Oils of choice
An Olive Oil Dish
I say you need these – you don’t NEED all of them but they will make it a whole lot easier and tidier.
Firstly, you should know the difference between Fragrance and Essential oils. There are many factors to consider but to put it simply, Fragrance Oils are chemically created, and Essential Oils are naturally derived. Each has its merits, and some may be stronger than others so be sensitive to those around you and to yourself when you are choosing. You should also know that some of these oils can be corrosive so be careful and cover any surface you deem precious.
Lets get started:
Set your Blank Incense Sticks out in your Olive Oil Dish.
Each stick will require about 20 drops (1ml) of oil to fully saturate the stick. Grab your bottle or small dish if you have mixed oils and your dropper. Have fun with it — mix and match your scents.
Load the Dropper up and start to work your way down the stick one drop at a time watching how the oils spreads. Go all the way from one end to the other but stop at the stem, that wont burn anyway. Because the sticks aren’t all perfectly uniform you may need a couple more or fewer drops depending on the size of the stick.
Once you are confident the sticks have been fully covered set them in a Jar to dry for a minimum of 24hours.
There! You did it! You made your own incense sticks! Find what connects/relaxes you and enjoy.
Always remember to burn your incense safely with a proper holder. I have seen people stick incense in potted plants and regret it later. Never leave your sticks burning when you are not around to supervise, where there is an ember, there could be a flame.
Blessed be.
The Grove does The Corn Maze
For the past couple years our Grove likes to hike up our rubber boots; get in the car and drive our sorry city butts to the Riverbreeze Corn Maze. It is always a blast for the kids and some good exercise and fresh air for the old folks.
Here are some lovely pictures of some of the fun we got to have.
Sharing this time with the extended family always renews my connection and recharges my batteries. I am so lucky to have them all in my life <3
A visit from the ArchDruid of ADF
Last week, our grove had the pleasure to host the current ArchDruid of ADF, Jean “Drum” Pagano for a few days in our little corner of the world. To say that I found the experience to be both humbling and deeply inspirational, still wouldn’t do this visit justice, but I will do my best.
You can only learn so much about a person by interacting with them online. Over the years I have always been pleased with the Mother Grove’s general leadership, but it was a wonderfully reaffirming experience to have a leader of our faith travel to the Maritimes, with a sincere interest in learning who we are, and how we represent ADF in Nova Scotia. To find that leader to be intensely knowledgeable, deeply considerate, and without a demonstrable hint of ego, just further reaffirmed my confidence in both my personal path, and the direction of our organization’s leadership.
After picking up Drum from the airport, we proceeded (in somewhat typical Nova Scotian fashion) immediately to a local pub, and dove right in to wonderful discussion of everything from religion and politics, to our grove’s borderline obsession with bacon.
Despite some fairly wet weather, we were determined to do some sightseeing the following day, stopping at the Atomic Cafe (an excellent, Druid-owned coffee shop), York Redoubt (a historical site and national park where we frequently conduct public rituals) and Peggy’s Cove (a classic NS tourist spot). After a quick supper at the home of the amazing hosts Brian & Karen, a few of us joined Drum for a live radio interview on the local pagan program “The Witching Hour”. Despite the late hour and busy day, Drum still happily continued the conversation and questions that spun out from the interview at a local coffee shop.
Saturday was again a flurry of activity with a quick visit and breakfast at the Halifax Seaport Market, followed by two wonderfully informative free public talks on the history of Druidry, and devotional work as a part of pagan practice.
Following the talks, we toured the Halifax Public Gardens, before continuing on to the home of our members Marc and Lily, for a ritual of welcome and a potluck.
A special thanks to Brian and Karen Larter, without whom, this visit may not have happened – and who opened their home not only to Drum but also to the tagalong van den Hoek family, and were most excellent hosts. Thanks also to Marc and Lily Meadows, who opened their home to the whole grove on Saturday for a fantastic ritual and potluck. Thanks also to Kelly Moore, Don Adams and Dan Negus, for bringing us on the The “Witching Hour” on CKDU radio.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to have hosted a member of the mother grove. May we continue to grow stronger together… “as fast as a speeding oak“ ;)
Hiking & Sage Harvesting
HEY! Remember when I wrote that blog about Harvesting Sage in September and how to make your own sage bundles? (No — Here, I will help: http://novascotiadruid.com/?p=864) Either way, we finally got to do it as a grove.
It was a fantastic day where we did a little hike in a local park and then we all came back to the Larter house to pick, bundle and tie up our very own sage bundles. We also had BBQ and someone was nice enough to bring clay for some bowl and goddess making which I will totally have to revisit another time.
Needless to say this was a resounding success. Everyone enjoyed themselves. We all got a little exercise; some time to commune with nature and we enjoyed the companionship of our amazing grovies.
I would encourage you to push for things like this with your own groups. I have been on a week long high from spending time with people who warm my heart and doing this that enrich my soul.
P.S. For your viewing pleasure, I tried to take a selfie…
Summer Solstice Activities
With the Summer Solstice quickly approaching I felt it prudent to get a post out about some fun activities that you can do by yourself; with your girls; or with your family.
Whatever your pantheon, the Summer Solstice focusses on honouring the sun. There are many things that you can do to celebrate and enjoy the sun. The summer solstice marks the longest day of the year, the day with the most sunlight and what better way to honour that gift then to spend as much time as you can out soaking it up. Grab your sunscreen and try one of the following activities.
You can make some Sun Tea. Grab yourself a nice jar and pop in some water and edible herbs and let the tea steep by the heat of the sun. Some herbs to consider our mint, rosemary, basil, lemongrass, cilantro, lavender, chamomile and if you can get your hands on it some hibiscus to brighten it up and sweeten the deal.
You can go for a walk; a run; or a swim! Enjoy the outside as much as you possibly can with your friends and family. Have fun using the gift the gods have granted us.
You can make flower wreaths either for your door or your head. Go outside and find as many wildflowers as you can and make them into a beautiful crown or decoration for your door. This is a fantastic activity to share with children and will be greatly enjoyed by those with friends and family.
If you are looking for more contemplative activity you can try doing Sun Salutations outside. Grab your yoga mat and salute the sun. This is a fantastic way to the get outside, enjoy the sun and get a little exercise while still maintaining quiet reflection.
Gardening is always a fantastic idea for the longest day of the year. You can do this alone or with friends. If you have already started your garden you can spend some time reading it or rearranging. Time spent in the garden is never wasted.
Finally, if the weather is poor or you are on able to go outside but would still like to celebrate you can create a gratitude journal. Grab a pen and paper and reflect on everything that you are grateful for. The sun and more Vitamin D tend to revitalize many of us and we should be grateful for it. Along with the renewed energy of summer often come renewed projects or new endeavours. Take a moment to write those down. Something else that can be great exercise is to share this with your family. Have everyone share something they are grateful for every day or even set up a chalkboard to write things on to be shared with your family.
Again, there are many ways to celebrate this holiday and I encourage you to explore them all.
Brightest blessings